TOOFLY 14″ E Bike 250W Elektro Fahrrad 45km/h Mountainbike 15Ah 48V E Fatbike

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Kzf.: Farbe: Schwarz | Country/Region of Manufacture: China | Motorleistung: 400 W | Spannung: 48 V | MPN: Does Not Apply | Abteilung: Unisex Erwachsene | Anzahl der Gänge: 7 Gänge | EAN: Nicht zutreffend | Gewicht: 31.75 kg | Reifengröße: 14 Zoll | Charging Time: 5 Hours | Marke: Toofly | Bike Type: E-City Bike | Modell: GS5 | Department: Men | Brand: Toofly | Fahrradart: E-City Bike | Material: Aluminum |

Toofly 14″ E Bike 250W Elektro Fahrrad 45km/h Mountainbike 15Ah 48V E Fatbike # • Providing strong power and climbing capabilities for the electric bicycle. You can easily check the status of your electric bike, making your ride more convenient and easy. Body material High carbon steel.

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