Phlizon FD4500 450W LED Grow Light Bar Vollspektrum Gewerbliche Indoor Flower DE

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1. Use high effiency top bin SMD LEDs, ultra high PPFD, replace HPS 600W and 3000W perfectly 2. Replace HPS,Metal Halide and Florescent grow lights, Energy saving over 40% 3. Advanced LED drivers for higher performance 4.Full spectrum with enhanced red 660nm , good for full cycle grows 5. Big Foorprint: suitable for scale use in greenhouse vegs/flowers/fruits 6. No fan no noise design, All aluminum body with great heat dissipation, best for indoor plant 7. Standard with knob dimming 8.Compatible with External Controller for full lighting control (scheduling, dimming, Timing, sunrise/sunset). 9. Foldable design, just hanging it up, plug and play, very convenience, flexible for different grow area 10. Custom spectrum, color boxes and re-branded logo are acceptable.

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