2-TAKT MOTORHACKE Benzin Gartenfräse Radantrieb Ackerfräse Bodenfräse Kultivator

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Benzin • Gartenfräse

Description Are you still struggling with garden tillage and weeding? If so, please take a look at our mini cultivator. With a powerful two-stroke engine, it plows the land very quickly and effortlessly. It has a wide range of uses and is suitable for ploughing many types of land. Moreover, this cultivator is so easy to operate that even the elderly can use it with confidence. Key Features High-quality
Material: It is made of manganese steel, iron, rubber and plastic for durability. The process of spraying molding on the surface makes it have good corrosion resistance and not easy to rust, with a long service life. Two-stroke Engine: We use a two-stroke technology engine with higher fuel efficiency, lower energy consumption and lower emissions, which is more energy efficie.

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